Hello, Its Me

Srijan Shrestha

And I'm a

Hello guys I'm Srijan Shrestha. A stupid kid who learned stupid stuffs like Game Development, Bloging, Coding and other cool stuff from youtube. I'm a 13 years old kid from nepal who like to learn stuffs a lot.

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Srijan Shrestha

About Me

Small Biography About Me

Born on December 20, 2010, in the heart of Kathmandu, I am Srijan Shrestha—a young individual with a burning passion for breaking barriers and defying limitations. My journey began in the embrace of my loving parents, Raju Malla and Pushpa Shrestha, who bestowed upon me the gift of freedom to pursue my dreams. Their unwavering support has made me the luckiest person, as I am allowed to explore my boundless potential.

For the first 11 years of my life, I studied and thrived in Kathmandu, a bustling city tainted by pollution. Concerned for my health, my family made a decision that would shape my path. We relocated to Surkhet, seeking a cleaner environment and brighter prospects. This shift has been
instrumental in nurturing my well-being and fostering personal growth.....

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My Skills


I learned Programming when I was 11. The first programming language I learned was python, a high-level, general-purpose programming language. I learned it because I wanted to make my own jarvis. It took me 6 months to get it working.

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This is the story about my sketching journey that started at the young age of 6. This story is really interesting, taking about my connection with art.

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3D Modelling

This is the stroy about how I gave up and the learned 3D modelling in blender. I'm sure this story will inspire you in your work too..

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Articles / Blogs

Finance Top 5 Personal Finance Books You Have To Read

This Blog / Article talks about Worlds best 5 books to read if you are willing to change your financial future.

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Finance Top 5 Reasons People Are Stuck In Rat Race And Their Solution

Most of us are stuck in rat race and we dont even know about it. It not seems like its a big deal but it is. We can't enjoy our lives. This article covers the main 5 reasons people are stuck in rat race with solutions.

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10 messi text Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptas facere quo ratione?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Fuga cumque consectetur optio deserunt architecto amet nisi reprehenderit iusto temporibus praesentium accusantium et ratione, ullam cupiditate quae laudantium minima culpa? Eveniet sapiente dolorem distinctio perspiciatis? Rem quis iste optio adipisci, laboriosam consequuntur totam a sunt. Adipisci, minima facilis, placeat beatae esse consequatur totam molestias consequuntur architecto, suscipit delectus eveniet. Repellat repellendus porro, dolorem at quos saepe consequuntur cumque doloribus autem.

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