srijan shrestha
Srijan Shrestha

Six months ago, I started on an adventure into the world of 3D modeling with Blender. My motivation? Game development. At the beginning, I felt lost in the complexity of Blender. Then I did what everybody does when the try to learn blender, I tried to follow tutorials by Blender gurus, but frustration led me to give up.

Yet, after two months, a newfound determination sparked within me. I decided to give Blender another chance. Step by step, I immersed myself in the vast ocean of Blender's tools and features.

The journey was not without its challenges. There were moments of confusion and countless mistakes. But each mistake became a stepping stone to improvement. I created numerous 3D models, each a testament to my growing skills. With every model, I discovered something new and honred my abilities.

What kept me going was the simple yet profound lesson: never give up. This mantra became my guiding light, pushing me through the toughest of times. It reminded me that every expert was once a beginner, and every masterpiece started as a rough sketch.

Today, I can proudly say that I am still learning and evolving as a 3D artist. Blender, once an fearful mystrey, has become a familiar friend. Every model I create is a celebration of progress, a reminder that persistence pays off.

My journey with Blender taught me more than just technical skills. It taught me the importance of resilience and determination. The process of learning was not just about acquiring knowledge; it was about conquering self-doubt and embracing challenges with an unwavering spirit.

To anyone out there feeling discouraged in their learning journey, I offer this advice: never underestimate the power of persistence. Learning a new skill, especially something as intricate as 3D modeling, takes time and effort. Embrace the mistakes, learn from them, and keep moving forward.

In the world of 3D modeling and beyond, the key to success lies in the words: never give up. With determination as your compass, you can navigate the most complex terrains and emerge victorious on the other side. So, fellow learners, take a deep breath, pick up that tutorial again, and remember: your journey to mastery begins with that first step and the decision to never give up.

If you liked my article the checkout some 3d models I made

Blender Cup

This Was My Second 3d Model Of A Cup

Blender Dount

This Was My First Ever 3d Model Of A Dount Following Blender Guru's Tutorial

Blender Laptop

This Is A 3D Model of A Laptop Which I Made Without Following Any Tutorial

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