srijan shrestha
Srijan Shrestha

From the tender age of 6, I discovered the enchanting world of sketching. Armed with pencils and paper, I embarked on a creative journey that has shaped my identity. Over the years, my artistic skills have improved a lot, making my parents really proud.

There's a certain magic in the strokes of a pencil on a blank canvas, a magic that has become an important part of my life. With every sketch, I found purpose. It wasn't just lines and shades; it was a language of emotions and expressions, a way to communicate without words.

My passion for sketching not only brought me personal fulfillment but also financial rewards. I remember the first time I earned 500 rupee through my art. The sense of achievement was unparalleled, and it made my dedication to my craft even stronger. It showed me that pursuing your passions can also be a means of livelihood.

However, life's demands often pull us in various directions. Despite my deep love for sketching, finding time for it in my busy schedule has become a challenge. But whenever I manage to pick up a pencil and sketchpad, the familiar sensation of graphite against paper floods me with joy.

Creating art isn't just a hobby; it's an experience that elevates my soul. In those moments of artistic expression, I find a unique kind of happiness, a profound sense of accomplishment. It's a reminder that amidst the hustle and bustle of life, there are precious moments of tranquility that can be found in the strokes of a sketch.

My journey with sketching has taught me the importance of holding onto the things that bring us happiness. It's a reminder that passions, no matter how busy life gets, should never be neglected. As I look back on my artistic endeavors, I am filled with gratitude for the simple pleasure of creating something beautiful out of mere pencil and paper.

In the whirlwind of life, sketching remains my sanctuary—a place where time stands still, and creativity knows no bounds. It's not just about creating art; it's about preserving a piece of my soul on paper. For me, sketching is not just a skill; it's a lifelong love affair, a cherished experience that continues to bring immense fulfillment and happiness to my heart.

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