srijan shrestha
Srijan Shrestha


Join me on a whimsical adventure as I share my journey of learning my first programming language at the tender age of 12. Driven by the desire to make some dough in the high-demand world of programming, I embarked on the thrilling path of code. From my first language, Python, to the aid of the programming god Code With Harry on YouTube, and even the joyous discovery of creating an AI project, this tale is filled with laughter, gratitude, and a fun-loving spirit and did I mention my quest into HTML, CSS, Scratch, and the exciting world of C# game development? Let's dive in!

Chapter 1: Python Pioneering:

At 12 years old, I set out on a mission to conquer Python, the language that would pave the way for my coding journey. While it proved challenging at times, I found solace in the Code With Harry channel, which transformed complex concepts into easily digestible bites of knowledge. With Harry as my programming god, I navigated Python's intricacies and gradually built my skills.

Chapter 2: The AI Adventure:

Filled with excitement and a touch of humor, I embarked on my first project—an AI creation. Although I can't claim full credit , with some guidance and pre-existing code, I proudly ventured into the world of artificial intelligence. It was a thrilling experience that sparked my imagination and ignited a passion for problem-solving through coding.

Chapter 3: The VS Code Quest:

Like any explorer, I encountered obstacles on my programming journey. One of these challenges was learning how to effectively use Visual Studio Code (VS Code) with Python. It took six months of trial and error, but I persevered. Along the way, I discovered the joy of tinkering, experimenting, and unraveling the mysteries of this powerful tool. Each small victory brought me closer to mastering the art of code in VS Code.

Chapter 4: Gratitude for My Support System:

No adventure is complete without acknowledging those who supported me along the way. My heartfelt appreciation goes to my beloved sano baba gifting me a laptop, which became my portal to the coding universe. I am forever grateful to my mom and dad for their unwavering support and granting me the freedom to pursue my coding dreams. Their encouragement nurtured my passion and fueled my desire to explore the limitless possibilities of programming.

Chapter 5: Expanding My Coding Horizons:

Driven by curiosity and an insatiable thirst for knowledge, I delved into the realms of HTML, CSS, and Scratch. HTML and CSS allowed me to create visually stunning web pages, while Scratch provided an imaginative playground where I could bring interactive stories and games to life. Each new language brought a fresh wave of excitement and creativity to my coding repertoire.

Chapter 6: A Leap into C# Game Development:

Ever the adventurer, I set my sights on C# game development. With dreams of crafting immersive experiences in Unity, I took my first steps into this exciting domain. Although my journey in C# is still in its early stages, the prospect of building games ignites my imagination and keeps the laughter alive in my coding endeavors.


My journey of learning my first programming language at 12 years old has been a rollercoaster ride filled with laughter, growth, and immense gratitude. From Python to AI, VS Code, and beyond, I've discovered that programming is more than a means to make bread—it's an opportunity for self-expression, problem-solving, and endless joy. With the unwavering support of my family, the guidance of mentors like Code With Harry, and an insatiable curiosity, I've gained the tools to shape my coding future. As I venture into the world of C# game development, my passion for learning continues to soar. So, fellow adventurers, embrace the whimsy, laughter, and sheer joy of coding—it's a magical journey that knows no bounds!

Still Want Some More,

Here You Go

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